Rise of the Toa Nuva Book #1 by Greg Farshtey grades 3-6. 2008.
A graphic novel series based on the LEGO toy line. Art is vivid, attention grabbing, and the story line is exciting and action packed. A great purchase for comics and graphic novel collections. Reviewed by Tracie Glass, Eugene Public Library, Or.
The Legend of Old Salty: The Seaside Adventures of Jack and Benny by Matthew Louz. grades 3-6. (Salt Water Taffy Series) 2008.
Brothers Benny and Jack solve a mystery after learning of the legend of Old Salty a monstrous sea creature. Strong art and nicely paced action. Review by Lauren Anduri, Brooklyn Public Library, NY.
Unfortunately both these selections are paperback which makes them hard to use in a school library setting, but not impossible.
Non Fiction
12 years ago